Personal Finance

Fight Financial Fatigue So You Can Achieve Your Dreams

When I first got on a budget, and made the pledge to get out of debt as soon as possible, it was exciting. The prospect of living a debt free life was motivating, at first. After awhile the enthusiasm faded and I felt like I was “missing out”. I started wanting things, new shiny expensive things. I found myself stuck in a rut and experiencing “financial fatigue”.

What is Financial Fatigue?

Financial fatigue is exhaustion from working hard to meet financial goals. The symptoms vary but usually include a resurfacing of bad financial habits. Getting on a budget usually means a drastic lifestyle change. You may be forced to give up some of the things you once enjoyed such as eating out, going to movies, buying new clothing, etc. At first the prospect of financial freedom is motivating. After awhile, it can be difficult to stay focused. Especially when you see other people enjoying the things you once did. It can be easy to slip back into old spending habits.

Luckily, there are many ways to fight financial fatigue so you can reach you goals.

Replace Fun Expensive Habits, With Fun Cheap Habits

The first, most effective way to fight financial fatigue is to replace old habits with new ones. Instead of going out with friends on a Friday, host a potluck game night. Go to parks or free events instead of the mall. Have picnics with your partner or spouse, instead of going to a restaurant. Have a home “Spa Day” with homemade facial treatments instead of going to the actual spa. There are so many fun, inexpensive things you can do. If you replace your old habits with new ones you won’t feel like you are missing out. You will be happy and motivated to stay on track financially.

Reward Yourself For Meeting Goals

Just like diets need “cheat” days to help the dieter stay on track, you need to reward yourself once in awhile. Budget a little bit of money every month for “fun”. I personally love eating at restaurants, so I allow myself to eat out once in awhile. If you reach an important financial goal, buy yourself something little you want. Plan ahead for your rewards, so when you get them they are more meaningful.

Focus on Your Dreams

It can be easy to forget what you are working toward. Why do you want to get out of debt? Why do you want to save money? What kind of future do you want to create? Once you have a clear vision of what your “dream life” looks like, write it down, or create a “vision board”. Keep your goals and dreams easily accessible and look at them frequently. I use a note taking app to write down goals, and Pinterest to create a “vision board” of things I want, or am working toward. I believe writing down your goals and dreams help bring them into existence. It can also motivate you to stay on track financially.

Remember What’s Important

Lastly, remember what is really important. At the end of your life you will most likely not remember all the designer handbags you had, or the expensive manicure you had done. You will remember the wonderful experiences, and the people you shared your life with. I want you to reach your financial goals so that you can enjoy life more, and worry about finances less. I want you to be able to travel with your partner and experience the world. I want you to be able to buy dinner for your entire family at a fun restaurant. Whatever your dreams are, I want you to be able to live them. At times staying on track can be difficult, but if you focus on what’s really important and work diligently,  you can live your dream life .

Have you ever experienced financial fatigue? How did you overcome it?

Fight Financial Fatigue so you can acieve your dreams

2 thoughts on “Fight Financial Fatigue So You Can Achieve Your Dreams

  • afrugaldesteny

    I hate reaching this point! I think rewarding yourself for reaching goals is the best thing that works for me.

    • How do you reward yourself? What are your favorite things to do to reward yourself from meeting goals?


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